Customer Testimonials


Today I've received the parcel. Your products and packing is EXCELLENT. I like your products. Thanks for a nice shipment. I will do more business in future.

Average Rating:

Joyesh Toronto-CANADA 17:09:19 04-14-2015
Received Order

Dear Padmavati

Received my first bulk order worth amount $6000 and we have received all jeweleries very carefully and quickly. I loved all Bangles , Jeweleries and Beaded Jewellery..One of the reliable wholesale supplier to deal with. Looking forward to do business one again. Thanks.

Average Rating:

Lita Bristol, UK 07:34:06 04-08-2015
Received Courier


We got your parcel. all jewellery has nice finishing and Really Happy With Products. We want distributorship of your products and regular suuply from you.

Average Rating:

Ria rawang,malaysia 11:25:33 03-24-2015
Excellent Products

This is to confirm and very pleased and happy that we have received all ordered goods in excellent conditions. Hope to do business in future and will highly recommend your company to my close family and friends.

Average Rating:

Amrish Florida-USA 17:03:03 03-19-2015
High Quality Jewelry

Dear Padmavati Jewellery,

Received Parcel. Products are very nice especially lifestyle jewellery which is very quality jewellery and looks very nice physically then image. Thanks.

Average Rating:

Amoya Sydney-Australia 09:23:24 02-16-2015